Manual de Clase


Cuadro de texto: Ms. Sharon Vargas 

The purpose of this manual is to inform you about your child´s classroom this year, to make you aware of routines and procedures in and outside the classroom.
This manual will help you understand the behavior of children’s in and outside the classroom and for a best job in the school i hope your help at home. If you have any question to this manual please contact to me and I will respond each one of this.

Classroom Rules
1. Follow directions quickly.
2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
4. Make smart choices.
5. Keep your dear teacher happy!

Absences /Tardiness
It's very important that children attend every day at classes, we know that emphasize on responsibility is very important in your age for that they grow up with this value and too because each day learn some new. I hope your collaboration with this value.

Birthday Celebrations
Celebrating birthdays in our classroom can be a lot more fun and we would love to celebrate with your child, but we must plan ahead and schedule the date at least one week earlier.
Remember that this celebration is only at 9:20 to 10:00am because it’s the time of snack of children’s. If you will like celebrate the birthday of you son remember that the piñatas are not allowed for prevision an accident, only cake, candies, snack and anything to share with the kids, I will glad to help you in that important day.

Water Bottles
Students are allowed to bring their water bottles at the school. I will put they bottles in the locker and I will give water one by one at the end of recess or when finish the P.E class and the kids that not bring bottle water Ms. Shiseldy will give water of Oasis. The students don’t have permission to drink water in class hours.

Is important remember that the toys on classes should be in my locker and the kids play only with this at the end of day.
Please take note that the school is NOT responsible for any damages or loss of any toy.


Before the bell rings
The only place students are allowed to play in the morning is in pre kinder classroom, they are not allowed to wander around school. In the meantime, the children’s will wait the morning activity time before the begin classes.

When leaving the room
The children's will wait to call your name one by one and when I tell the name he/she put the chair inside the table and makes a line.

Going to and coming from special classes
Wait to the Ms. of special class that come at the classroom, make a line and will follow the instruction that explain the Ms.

When participating in class discussions or responding to a question
Raise your hand for permission to speak or I will say a name of children that I want to answer me. I will try to give opportunity to speak to everyone.

When you need the bathroom
The children will have permission of go to the bathroom only if requested, in the recess time the children's should go to the bathroom for avoid interruptions in class.

In the playground
Remember that we are a big school and we have many green areas so be careful not to hurt yourself. Here are some precautions you need to take into account:
The children’s not plays with rocks, no pushing, not running holding hands for avoid accidents.

At the end of the day
Ms. Isis and me will give those backpacks and water bottles, call one by one and will make a line. When everyone has the materials go to the lobby and wait in order that your parent comes.

Walking in the hallway

It is very important that we follow appropriate hallway behavior. We have a large school, and we do not want to interrupt other classes when we travel to other places. Whenever you are walking in the hallway remember to be in silence and very important: DON’T RUN!

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